
Hi there, I'm the author of the textes and the photos that you'll find in this blog (unless specified differently). Please give me notice if you wish to use any of them. feminismus.und.alpinismus(at)gmail(dot)com


In Berlin 2011/2012, my fellow Ausländer. Photos rescued from a memory card forgotten inside a broken phone.

The new wave of xenophobia addressing us foreigners as the "fancy fuckers". Somewhere in the very north of Neukölln.
the U1 on Skalitzer Straße, some early morning

Jonatah in Kreuzberg
OvO playing at the opening of Marie Antoinette

OvO playing at the opening of Marie Antoinette

Giuseppe in Neukölln

Mary, Maria, Ainize

Candice in Friedrichshain


Doreen in Kreuzberg

Candice on the roof of her house project in Friedrichshain