
Hi there, I'm the author of the textes and the photos that you'll find in this blog (unless specified differently). Please give me notice if you wish to use any of them. feminismus.und.alpinismus(at)gmail(dot)com


Ostiense/ Marconi/ Testaccio districts, Rome.

I happened to compare my home neighborhood in Berlin, Neukoelln, with my mother neighborhoods in Rome.
Realized that Rome is way closer to a post-desertification landscape than people can imagine.
These places are a few tube stops from the city center, the photos are taken on a monday afternoon and on a saturday evening.


ROME 5.14

Fatebenefratelli Hospital


Bathroom door at Fatebenefratelli Hospital ("MA" suggests the word "MASCHI" = "Males". The person in charge must have found the word inappropriate while writing it, so erased and corrected with "UOMINI" = "Men")

Padre Pio at Fatebenefratelli Hospital

Valeria Marini at Campus Biomedico Hospital

clothing store, Via del Corso